To create your own dynamic desktop, you can download a zip file of the 16 images that mojave uses and save them in a folder on your mac. mojave changes the image every 90 minutes to cycle through. How to get mojave dynamic desktop on windows. download the windynamicdesktop from github: download windynamicdesktop. always make sure to download the latest version available in the above link. double-click the .exe file which you downloaded which will bring up the installation wizard.. You don't have to download macos mojave to get dynamic desktop, you can get the sanddune wallpaper on your mac, pc, iphone or ipad - here's how..
How to turn on dynamic desktop in macos mojave. 1. click on the apple menu and select system preferences. 2. click on desktop & screen saver. 3. click on the desktop tab is it’s not already open. 4.. Tutorial: how to use nigh shift for mac. dynamic desktop requires specially crafted wallpapers. how dynamic desktop images are packaged. as mentioned earlier, macos mojave ships with two dynamic wallpapers that have “dynamic” in the file name.. Here’s how you activate dynamic desktop: right-click on the desktop and select change desktop background. select one of the dynamic desktop options under apple > desktop pictures. they’re at the top of the pile on the right side. in the drop-down menu next to the preview, select dynamic. that’s all there is to it..